Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas from the Texas desert

I hope everyone had a Christmas day as fun as Dorothy and I had... and I hope everyone is going to sleep as happy as we are!

  Here's how we got to spend our Christmas day:

  We woke up to this view out of our hotel window 
and I couldn't wait to get out there!

This was our playground and I hit it head on...

Which was a mistake..
I forgot there are so many prickly things in the desert 
and they can't wait to rip my hair out!

So daddy had to give me the cactus talk again...

And mommy had to tell both of us not to eat rocks again...

But we got the hang of it eventually!

We walked and walked for miles with no more hiccups

Then drove back to the hotel
Where mom and dad ate dinner and Dorothy and I slept  until it was present time.
We got a bone each...

And we gave another present to daddy
because he's the best!

Then we sat by the fire pit, though not for long 
because Dorothy and I were terrified of the fire.

All in all, a wonderful day.  Although if I'm completely honest, I kept waiting for my Aunt Amy or grandparents to show up!

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